The economics of the Left Opposition John Ross, The Choices for Russia: The Economic Programme of the Left Opposition, Socialist Action, 1996. Pamphlet, £1.50. Reviewed by Bob… Continue reading “The economics of the Left Opposition”…
Syndicalism in South Wales: The origins of The Miners’ Next Step This article was written in 1987 to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Miners’ Next Step. It was… Continue reading “Syndicalism in South Wales: The origins of The Miners’ Next Step”…
John Maclean and the CPGB CONTENTS Preface John Maclean and the CPGB by Robert Pitt Appendix 1: The Communist Labour Party Appendix 2: The Maclean-Gallacher Dispute Appendix 3: John… Continue reading “John Maclean and the CPGB”…
The Socialist Labour Party: Why Arthur Scargill is wrong The way in which Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party has been created must be without precedent in the history of… Continue reading “The Socialist Labour Party: Why Arthur Scargill is wrong”…
The Battle of Cable Street: Myths and Realities By Richard Price and Bob Pitt October 4, 1936, remains a landmark in working class history – the day when the… Continue reading “The Battle of Cable Street: Myths and Realities”…
Land and Freedom: A Reply to Jeff Sawtell By Bob Pitt This article was written in 1996 in response to an attack on Ken Loach’s film Land and Freedom by Morning… Continue reading “Land and Freedom: A Reply to Jeff Sawtell”…
Educator and Agitator: Charlie Gibbons, 1888-1967 This biographical study of a leading figure in the South Wales syndicalist movement was first published in 1989 in Llafur,… Continue reading “Educator and Agitator: Charlie Gibbons, 1888-1967”…
Ken Livingstone and the history of Zionism: A reply to Jane Caplan Here is a letter from Jane Caplan that was published in Saturday’s Guardian: It is not as a Jewish Labour… Continue reading “Ken Livingstone and the history of Zionism: A reply to Jane Caplan”…