Cynthia Weil and sixties pop Sadly, Cynthia Weil died on 1 June, at the age of 82. With her main songwriting partner, husband Barry Mann,… Continue reading “Cynthia Weil and sixties pop”…
Boris Johnson and his hero from Jaws One interesting feature of Dominic Cummings’ account of Boris Johnson’s reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic last year was his revelation… Continue reading “Boris Johnson and his hero from Jaws”…
Dorset Eye and conspiracies — how a leftwing website mistook satire for fact If you spend much time on social media you can often come away with the impression that the entire left… Continue reading “Dorset Eye and conspiracies — how a leftwing website mistook satire for fact”…
How did Boris Johnson get elected as mayor of London? Writing in the Spectator, James Kirkup argues that, while Boris Johnson is today a Marmite figure whose hardline right-wing Brexiteer… Continue reading “How did Boris Johnson get elected as mayor of London?”…
Boris Johnson and Islamophobia Boris Johnson’s recent Telegraph article, in which he mocked niqab-wearing women by describing them as looking like letter boxes or… Continue reading “Boris Johnson and Islamophobia”…
Andrew Gilligan, Boris Johnson and the Iraq dossier When Pamela Geller hailed Andrew Gilligan as a “superb investigative journalist” for his exposure of “Islamic supremacism” in Tower Hamlets,… Continue reading “Andrew Gilligan, Boris Johnson and the Iraq dossier”…